Prof. Dr Ir Alexandra TISMA, MTD


Netherlands Institute for Spatial Research, The Hague

atisma@xs4all [e-mail] [url]


Alexandra Tisma is a senior researcher at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague and the guest researcher at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft. Her research interest involves landscape planning and policy evaluation, urban landscape design, leisure landscapes, and planning support systems. Since 2005 she is associate professor at the department for Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in Novi Sad, Serbia where she teaches landscape planning. She also works as a tutor at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture. Till 2001 she worked as a research scientist at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft. Previously she was senior designer at the Town Planning Institute of Vojvodina, Yugoslavia, and research scientist at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. She is a member of the Netherlands Association of Landscape Architects, Serbian Association of Landscape Architects, and Le-NOTRE network.


Alexandra holds a PhD degree from the Delft University of Technology, University degree in Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, and Master degree in Design, Planning and Management of Built-up Environment at the Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology. Alexandra defended her Ph.D. thesis "Delta_M: A Tool for Metropolitan Designing Systems", at the Delft University of Technology in October 2001.


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